Bill Moll Full Stack PHP Developer

St. Louis, MO

I'm a student, hobbyist web developer, auto technician, husband, and father looking for the perfect job in the web development field. I'm on my last year as a computer science undergrad at the University of Missouri St. Louis. I have spent a considerable amount of time on personal web design projects and an admirable amount of time on some professional projects. While back end projects are my specialty, I have been known to delve into the world of front end development. Web design is my passion, versatility is my strength.

Recent Graduate

I am a recent graduate from UMSL and looking forward to a career in web development. Getting a B.S. in computer science has cemented my knowledge of software development and greatly increased my abilities in web development.


Nearly a decade ago, I taught myself php. I started coding simple projects for myself and even helped a friend with a few professional projects. My expertise with web programming comes natural, and I am always willing to learn new things.


My experience is not limited to web development. I have some experience with linux scripting, c++, java, and visual basic. I also run my own web server, in which you are visiting. I take pride in learning everything I need to accomplish my goals.